Pectic Enzyme
Used to reduce the hazing effect of pectin when using real fruit in your beer, wines, or meads. Mix 1/2 tsp per gallon with cold water and add to product. Enzymes denature above 150° Fahrenheit (approximately) thus if you are doing any heating of your product add them after the product has cooled.
$2.99 - $13.49
Fermaid K
Fermaid® K is a blended complex yeast nutrient that supplies ammonia salts (DAP), free amino acids (organic nitrogen derived from inactivated yeast), sterols, unsaturated fatty acids, key nutrients (magnesium sulfate, thiamin, folic acid, niacin, biotin, calcium pantothenate) and inactive yeast.For best results, Fermaid K should be used in conjunction with an appropriate yeast rehydration nutrient (such as Go-Ferm or Go-Ferm Protect) to assure proper nutrition of cultured yeast from rehydration through completed fermentation. Add 25 g/hL at 1/3 sugar depletion or in two doses; 12.5 g/hL at the end of lag phase and 12.5 g/hL at 1/3 sugar depletion.Fermaid K provides unsaturated fatty acids and sterols. These are important survival factors needed to maintain alcohol resistance and permease activity. They also help keep volatile acidity levels low.Nitrogen is needed for protein synthesis and to maintain cellular growth. Nitrogen from the alpha amino acids contained in Fermaid K is utilized much more efficiently than from the ammonia salts.The cell wall fractions in Fermaid K absorb short and medium chain fatty acids that are toxic to the yeast. They also provide nucleation sites to help keep the yeast in suspension.To UseFermaid K should be mixed with room temperature water before adding to an active fermentation to avoid CO2 release and overflowing of tanks or barrels. The amount of water used is not critical. Simply add enough to make a slurry.StorageDated expiration. Store at 18°C(65°F). Once opened, keep tightly sealed and dry.Recommended Dosage1 g/gal 25 g/hL 2 lb/1000 gal
$3.99 - $21.99
Fermaid O
Fermaid O is an Organic version of Fermaid K, using an organic source of nitrogen. The organic nitrogen is a superior form, resulting in better results! Organic Nitrogen results a better fermentation with more stable temperature levels. Off aromas and flavors are also decreased. Use 1.5g per gallon.
$3.79 - $61.99
Acid Blend
A premium combination of citric, malic & tartaric acids used to increase the acidity of wine. An Acid Test Kit may be used to determine the acidity and usage. Composition of this acid blend is 45% malic, 45% citric and 10% tartaric.
$2.49 - $9.99
Fermax Yeast Nutrient
A balanced blend of minerals, proteins, amino acids and vitamins to improve yeast activity during fermentation. Used to quicken or restart fermentation. Suggested dosage rate is 1.0 - 1.5 teaspoons per gallon.
$3.49 - $17.99
Whirlfloc Tablets
Whirlfloc® T kettle coagulant and fining agent is a purified, high molecular weight carrageenan powder extracted from Irish Moss algae, put in a convenient tablet form. It reacts with colloidal, haze promoting material in the wort to accelerate the formation of dense and compact trub during the hot and cold wort breaks. Whirlfloc binds with the trub and is removed with that material by settling or filtration before the beer is finished. It does not remain in the beer. This saves time, boosts wort recovery, and results in a brighter wort. Improved wort clarity with Whirlfloc T leads to cleaner fermentation and easier filtration afterward. Recommended Usage: For 5 gallons, add 0.2-0.4 tablets to the boiling kettle, 10 minutes before the end of boiling. Occasionally as much as a 1 full tablet is required, especially in low-pH brews.Tablets do not need to be hydrated and should dissolve rapidly. If problems occur, the tablet may be crushed prior to use.
Citric Acid
Citric Acid can be used in sanitizing solutions to lower the pH, which will make the SO2 level more effective. In addition, it can increase acidity at a ratio of 0.1% for each teaspoon per gallon. Adding too much, however, will create a very tart flavor.
$3.49 - $185.00
Potassium Metabisulfite Campden Tablets - 100 Count
Contains potassium metabisulphite & is a convenient way to accurately sulphite wine. Each tablet contains 550 mg of active sulphite per tablet. 1 tablet in 1 gallon will provide about 75ppm Two crushed tablets equal 1/4 teaspoon. 100 tablets Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
Potassium Metabisulfite
Potassium Metabisulfite is a common additive used to preserve and stabilize wines, ciders, and occasionally beers. When added to wine or must, it forms sulfur dioxide gas (SO2). This prevents most wild microorganisms from growing and acts as a potent antioxidant, protecting both the color and delicate flavors of wine. Potassium Metabisulfite solutions are also used as sanitizing rinses for winemaking equipment. Recommended usage: Dosage varies when used to kill wild bacteria in must, halt fermentation, or preserve finished wines against oxidation. The addition of ¼ teaspoon of potassium metabisulfite to 5 gallons contributes approximately 50 ppm of free SO2. To make a sanitizing rinse for equipment, dissolve 8 teaspoons of potassium metabisulfite into 1 gallon of water. High concentrations of sulfur dioxide gas are irritating and toxic, so use in a well ventilated area. After applying the solution to your equipment, the items must be rinsed with clean, cold water.
$3.50 - $11.99
Potassium Sorbate
Potassium Sorbate dissolves completely in wine to prevent yeast from fermenting. This product will not stop an active fermentation. It is typically used prior to bottling to prevent carbonating your wine. Use 1/2 tsp. per gallon.
$3.99 - $69.99
Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate)
Gypsum adds hardness to soft brewing water. Brewers that use distilled water like to add some gypsum back into the water to give it some hardness. Gypsum can also be used to lower the pH of water. Use 1 teaspoon per 5 gallons.
$1.99 - $14.99
Calcium Chloride
Calcium Chloride (hydrated) is used to correct mineral deficiencies in water which is to be used for brewing. It is used in de-mineralized or soft to medium hard water to increase permanent hardness. Calcium Chloride is effective in eliminating the variations in composition often encountered in water from surface sources. It will help establish proper pH of the mash and the wort and provide sufficient calcium ions essential for enzyme function, kettle protein coagulation and yeast metabolism. 1 tsp. of Calcium Chloride per gallon adjusts water hardness by 297 ppm Ca2+ and 531Cl-.
$2.49 - $17.99
FT Blanc Soft Wine Tannin
Wines made with FT Blanc Soft are characterized by softness and improved mouthfeel. White and rosé wines made with FT Blanc Soft have enhanced texture with a perception of sweetness on the palate. Even relatively small dosages can contribute to minerality in wines. Similar improvements can be seen in fruit and mead wines. When used at start of fermentation it protects against oxidation. Recommended for: Whites, Rosé, Red, Fruit, Cider, and Mead Mix thoroughly. Add 3 weeks+ before bottling. Use 0.2–0.6 g/gal. This colorless white wine tannin is derived from Gall Nuts.
$1.99 - $6.99
Wyeast Beer Yeast Nutrient, 1.5 oz
Wyeast Brewer's Choice Yeast Nutrient is a custom blend of vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients required for yeast cells to carry out an orderly and complete fermentation from start to finish. A wort that is nutrient-deficient, or which has adequate nutrients but limited bioavailability to the cells, can experience inhibited yeast growth, disrupted or incomplete fermentations, inconsistent attenuation rates from batch to batch, and diminished cell viability. Supplemental nutrients are always beneficial, but especially valuable during yeast propagation and stressful fermentation conditions (e.g, high-adjunct worts, high-gravity fermentations). Contains: Proprietary blend of vitamins, minerals, inorganic nitrogen, organic nitrogen, zinc, phosphates and other trace elements. Dosage rate: 11 grams/ barrel of wort Usage: Dissolve in warm water. Add solution to kettle 10-15 minutes prior to end of boil. Stability: 1 year, stored in airtight container in cool environment
Ascorbic Acid
Unbuffered pure ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Used in wine and beer to retard oxidation, or browning. A strong anti-oxidant, ascorbic acid can be used when racking to prevent oxidation, and the resulting browning. It will provide protection for a few days, after which point any unused ascorbic acid will become inactive. Often used in conjunction with metabisulfite. It will raise the acidity.
$2.80 - $28.50
Irish Moss
Irish Moss is a seaweed derived fining agent used by many brewers to help prevent chill haze and to make a clear beer without the need for a filter. It is added directly to the boil kettle at a rate of 1 teaspoon per 5 gallons.
$2.99 - $17.99
Tartaric Acid
The most desirable and stable of the wine acids for making Total Acidity (TA) in must or wine. One teaspoon per gallon will increase acidity by 0.1%.
$3.99 - $44.99
Super-Kleer K.C.
Super-Kleer K.C. is a 2-stage fining kit sized to dose 5-6 gallons of beer or wine. Each 65 ml kit includes separate packets of liquid Kieselsol and liquid Chitosan finings. The combination of fining agents accelerates the sedimentation of yeast and other particulates, leaving the beverage brilliantly clear in 12-48 hours. Super-Kleer K.C. may not clear pectin hazes or cloudiness caused by hard water.The Chitosan in Super-Kleer K.C. is a shellfish derivative.
Go-Ferm Protect
Go-Ferm Protect is a new formulation of Go-FermGo-Ferm Protect is a natural yeast nutrient that is added to the yeast hydration water before adding your selected yeast strain. Its complex formula provides your yeast with the proper sterols, unsaturated fatty acids and micronutrients needed to begin fermentation in optimal shape. The great thing about Go-Ferm Protect is that the proper nutrients and vitamins are introduced BEFORE the yeast is added to the must. This way 100% of the nutrients are available to your selected yeast strain and won't be stolen away by any indigenous yeast or bacteria that may be present in the must before your yeast can become established.New Advanced Formula!Go-Ferm Protect was created as a result of a multi-year study of problem fermentations by Lallemand and the National Agricultural Research Institute (INRA) in France. During this period, they looked at the adverse effects on the yeast from overripe fruit (>28 Brix), low nutrient levels, over clarification of the juice and poor fruit quality (Botrytis, rot, high bacteria count, insecticide and fungicide residue). Their research showed that musts deficient in sterols and unsaturated fatty acids made yeast more susceptible to ethanol toxicity (high alcohol), osmotic shock (high sugar), temperature and others stress factors. In response to this data they created the NATSTEP (NATural STErol Protection) process that incorporated sterols, unsaturated fatty acids, as well as vitamins and minerals into an advance yeast rehydration nutrient: Go-Ferm Protect.Go-Ferm Protect provides a combination of protective and nutritional benefits that ensure your yeast begins your fermentation in peak form! The best part is that if your fruit is in great shape then Go-Ferm Protect will simply help your yeast out that much more!Go-Ferm Protect does not contain any DAP, as DAP is harmful to the yeast during the rehydration process. GO-Ferm is usually used in conjunction with Fermaid K yeast nutrient; where Go-Ferm Protect is used at yeast hydration then Fermaid K is added at the first signs of fermentation and again after 1/3 sugar depletion.To UseUse at a rate of 1.25 g Go-Ferm Protect per 1 g of yeast. A rough approximation of weight is 1 tsp = 3.2 grams. It is highly recommend using a scale to weigh the product for an accurate dose. It is not recommend relying on these rough conversions for accurate dosage rates.
$2.79 - $44.99
Diammonium Phosphate (DAP)
Diammonium Phosphate stimulates yeast growth, and is a useful addition to yeast starters and wines lacking in natural nutrients, such as white wines and meads. Some winemakers add it to every fermentation. Use 1/2 to 3/4 gram per gallon. Approximately 1/8 teaspoon per gallon.
$5.99 - $18.99
Bentonite is a negative charged, clay-like mineral that removes positively charged particles. It works best when the wine is at warmer temperature so it is suggested clearing with bentonite in the late spring or early summer. It is also more effective at a lower pH because the positive charge on proteins is stronger at lower pH levels. It is usually added prior to fermentation, sometimes during secondary. When making a wine kit from concentrate you will often add the bentonite on the first day. This happens for a couple of reasons. It is used as a nucleation sites for the removal of CO2. Additionally, the bentonite is moved all around the wine by the CO2 making it more effective in a shorter time period.Generic low level fining for five gallons: blend 1/2 tsp (approximately 3g) with 1/2 cup of hot water (140 to 200 F) in a blender for 1-2 minutes. Let stand for 60 minutes, mix, and stir into wine. Let stand for 10-14 days and then rack off. This is fining at .16g/LFor a generic mid level addition: Follow above directions but use 9 grams of with 3/4 cup of water. This is fining at .5g/L.
$1.99 - $4.49
Malic Acid
An acid found in apples and pears. One teaspoon per gallon will increase acidity by 0.1%.
$2.99 - $29.99
Calcium Carbonate
Calcium carbonate is used to reduce the acidity of wine. It does not require cold-stabilization to force complete precipitation, as does potassium carbonate. However, calcium carbonate is more likely to affect the flavor than potassium carbonate, and may take a few months to fully precipitate. One-quarter ounce (about 4 teaspoons) of calcium carbonate reduces acidity in one gallon by about 0.25%. Foaming may occur because of the production of CO2. Do not use more than one ounce per gallon. Wait 24 hours and rack wine. Calcium carbonate is also used in beer to increase the temporary hardness of water. Traditionally used in English stouts, pale ales and bitters.
$2.49 - $14.99
CellarScience® SilaFine
CellarScience® SilaFine - Beer Fining Agent SilaFine is an easy-to-use, vegan friendly fining agent that quickly creates crystal clear beer by removing yeast and haze-forming particles. SilaFine is a unique, negatively charged silica sol fining agent that binds with and positively charged haze active proteins and polyphenols as well as yeast cells. SilaFine does not target foam active head forming proteins, leaving beer foam in glass unaffected. Use:Add 10ml or 1 tbsp per 5 gallons of finished beer. Gently rouse the beer to fully disperse the clarifier. Most effective on beer that has been chilled below 39°F. If the beer has not cleared after 24 hours, a second dose can be added. SilaFine should be stored cool, but do not freeze. Whirlpool: SilaFine can also be used in the whirlpool at a rate of 0.5-1ml per gallon to achieve a quicker and more compact sedimentation in the kettle. Additional Notes: SilaFine is based on a special selection of commercial grade amorphous silicon dioxide, also known as silica sol, at a concentration of 30%. Silica sol is known by a few names in brewing including colloidal silica, acidified silicates, silicon dioxide, and silicic acid. Unlike some other silica sols, SilaFine is not treated with aluminum oxide. SilaFine is a pure mineral and complies with Reinheitsgebot German beer purity law. Do not freeze. Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and heat. The recommended shelf life is 12 months from the date the package is opened. Allergen Free GMO Free
$2.79 - $33.39
Potassium Metabisulfite Campden Tablets - 25 Count
Contains potassium metabisulphite & is a convenient way to accurately sulphite wine. Each tablet contains 550 mg of active sulphite per tablet. 1 tablet in 1 gallon will provide about 75ppm Two crushed tablets equal 1/4 teaspoon. Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
Sorbistat K (Potassium Sorbate)
Sorbistat K (Potassium Sorbate) ensures against renewed fermentation in wine when residual sugar is added post fermentation. Use .5 to .75 grams per gallon (125-200ppm) with 50ppm of metabisulfite. Safety Data Sheet
$3.49 - $19.99
Clarity Ferm, 10mL
10 ml Single Dose for 5-7 Gallons Clarity-Ferm will prevent the precipitation of complexed polyphenols and proteins by hydrolyzing the sensitive (haze-active) polypeptides in the region where such hydrogen bonding occurs. The specificity of the enzyme ensures that no other beer parameters are affected. In addition to eliminating chill haze, Clarity-Ferm significantly reduces the gluten content in beers made with barley and wheat. A Clarity-Ferm treated beer made from barley or wheat usually tests below 20 ppm of gluten, the current international standard for gluten free.
Yeast Hulls
Yeast hulls are inactive yeast cells that absorb toxic yeast by-products that could be inhibiting fermentation. Commonly used as a yeast energizer for a stuck or sluggish fermentation. Use 1/2 tsp per gallon. Mix with distilled water and add to wine.
$3.99 - $24.99
Tannin FT Rouge
Scott’TanTM FT Rouge is a proprietary tannin specifically formulated for the North American market. It is a blend of highly reactive tannins derived from exotic woods and chestnut. The addition of FT Rouge at the beginning of red wine fermentation helps preserve the grapes’ natural tannins so they can combine with anthocyanins to create optimal stable color. Mouthfeel is also enhanced. FT Rouge provides anti-oxidative protection and will inhibit oxidative enzymes (such as laccase) associated with browning. To Use: Gradually sprinkle FT Rouge directly on grapes at the crusher or add to the must during a pump-over to obtain good homogenization. If subsequent additions of FT Rouge are desired, this can be done in increments of 0.5 lb/1000 gal (63 ppm) during pump-overs. If an addition of FT Rouge (or FT Rouge Soft) is made post-fermentation, we recommend waiting 3-6 weeks after the tannin addition before racking, fining, filtering or bottling. Storage: Dated expiration. Unopened the shelf life is 5 years at 18ºC(65ºF). Once opened keep tightly sealed and dry. Recommended for use with: Red, Fruit Recommended Dosage: Red Vinifera Must: 200-500 ppm || 20-50 g/hL || 1.6-4.0 lb/1000 gal Red Non-Vinifera Must: 300-600 ppm || 30-60 g/hL || 2.4-5.0 lb/1000 gal Fruit: 200-500 ppm || 20-50 g/hL || 1.60-4.0 lb/1000 gal Tannin Source: Chestnut Hardwood FT Rouge Tannin additions are highly beneficial during rot management for red wines as they act as an antioxidant and help minimize the damage from laccase.
$2.79 - $10.99
Potassium Carbonate
To reduce titratable acidity by 0.1%, add 1/2 teaspoon per gallon of must prior to cold stabilization. Will not give wine a chalky taste. Wine must be refrigerated for several weeks after application. Tartaric acid will drop out as potassium bitartrate. It is recommended to test on small amount first.
$1.99 - $6.99
Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salts)
Added to mash water to lower pH and increase sulfates. Increases perception of hop flavor and hop bitterness. Epsom salts (Magnesium Sulfate) are a standard component of "brewing salts" mixtures to approximate the Burton-On-Trent brewing water. Usage: Varies depending on base water chemistry. Use up to 1/2 tsp per 5 gallons. 1 gram per gallon adds 103 ppm sulfate, 26 ppm Magnesium. Chemical name: Magnesium Sulfate, MgSO4
$1.39 - $3.99
Kerry FermCap S, 0.5 fl oz
Kerry FermCap® S is a unique emulsion of dimethylpolysiloxane. It is an extremely effective, surface active agent that prevents foam formation during fermentation by reducing surface tension. Reduced foaming increases fermentation capacity and prevents mess, improves alpha-acid utilization and CO2 recovery, and prevents hazes due to collapsed foam. Because of the novel behavior of FermCap®, it completely adsorbs onto the yeast, vessel walls, and filter media. No FermCap® remains in the finished beer.
Wyeast Wine Nutrient Blend
Wyeast Wine Nutrient Blend is a custom blend of vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients essential for an orderly and complete fermentation. During the cell growth and metabolization of sugars that takes place in every fermentation, yeast cells require an array of trace elements, vitamins, and compounds that can be assimilated from their environment in order to carry out their basic functions of life. However, honey-based fermentations are deficient in many of these nutrients. Nutrient deficiency can lead to disrupted or incomplete fermentations, off-flavors and aromas, and diminished stability of the finished product. Supplementing your must with Wyeast Wine Nutrient Blend helps ensure high viability and health of your yeast population, which in turn helps ensure a rapid, complete, and successful fermentation with repeatable results. Contents: Proprietary blend of vitamins, minerals, inorganic nitrogen, organic nitrogen, zinc, phosphates and other trace elements. Wyeast Nutrient Blend contains DAP (Diammonium Phosphate). Dosage Rate: 1/2 tsp (2.2 g) per 5 gallons (19 L) of must (unfermented mead) Usage Directions: Dissolve Wyeast Nutrient in warm water prior to adding to must. Divide total volume evenly, each portion to be added over several alternating days. Add to must after pitching yeast, and over the next several days as determined by your nutrient addition plan. Degassing between nutrient addition days may be necessary to prevent foaming over. Shelf-Life: 1 year if stored in airtight container in a cool environment Size: Available in 1.5 oz (42 g) tubes
Gelatin Powder Clarifier
A heat soluble, commercial quallity extra no. 1 grade, powered Gelaitin. This gelatin is a higher quality that is composed of high molecular weight mass proteins that carry a big positive charge. Prepare by mixing in warm water and then adding during a transfer or pump-over. The solution must be maintained at 95-104F (35-40C) when used. For WineGelatin will help to reduce cloudiness by removing colloidal substances. It has an overall tannin polishing effect, but still preserves the phenolic compounds responsible for structure (similar to fining with egg whites). Add at the rate of .2 to .35 grams per gallon.Maximum clarification and filter-ability achieved after one week. If you will be ageing the the wine, a second racking one week after the first racking is recommended. Do not leave gelatins in wine more than 30 days.For BeerUse 1/2 tsp for five gallons of beer. Dissolve gelatin into 1/4-1/2 cup of hot water to dissolve and add to beer. Wait a few days and rack off.A rough approximate of weight is 1 tsp = 1.2 grams. We highly recommend using a scale to weigh the product for an accurate dose. We do not recommend relying on these rough conversions for accurate dosage rates. Gelatin reacts with negatively charged compounds such as tannin in wines and juices thereby reducing astringency, bitterness and color. Gelatin also reacts with negatively charged colloidal silicon dioxide to form a dense coagulum with the destabilized silica, resulting in clarification. Wine and fruit juice processors benefit from the rapid clarification and improved filterability that are a result of co-fining with Gelatin and colloidal silica. 2 ounce package
Sodium Metabisulfite
Sanitizer - use 2 oz per 1-Gal of water. Antioxidant & bactericide - use 1/4 teaspoon to 6 gallons. Dissolve sulphite in warm water before adding.
$2.99 - $9.99
Wine Conditioner, 500ml
Combination of sugar and potassium sorbate used to give residual sweetness to a fermented wine; use up to 125ml per 5 gallons of wine. Wine must be stabilized before adding wine conditioner.